Quote Originally Posted by Willy View Post
There was some talk here on the walleye.com forum about setting up a tip system of Walleye hotspots for folks who hang out here. We could also post when we were in a dead zone with no bite. I guess all we would need is a list of phone numbers, and then I could send a text to all on the list--from that point on, all fishing tips would be in response to my original text. New folks could be added anytime by including them in the list when we text. (My wife assures me this would work.) Folks can answer here with their phone number if they like, or they can text me and in a few days I will put all the numbers out. My number is 419 543-0192.
Good morning. We now have nearly sixty people signed up for walleye hotspots. There will be three text lists of 20 people each. I wanted to make it all one group, but the text capabilities for iPhones are that you can only text to a maximum of twenty people. Thanks to all who signed up.