Put my boat in for the first time this year. Put in at Meinke east and went around to the slip to get the ropes set up.
We went out at close to 8:15 and started trolling Flicker Minnows at 30/25/20 back with a 3oz trolling sinker in front of a 4ft leader.
I do not have a kicker and usually 2.0-2.5 is fine but it was a little fast for today.
Once I dropped in a couple sea bags to slow us down we hit fish.
Lost the first one at the boat but along came number two ,28 1/2" fish
Then we put the rest in the box averaging 22-24"
Was done by 11:30 and headed back.
I just bought the boat at the end of last season and worked on it all winter.
Felt good to finally get it in the water and enjoy instead of buff, wax paint, etc.
Hooked On Fishin out!