If the line has been stored properly, it will be fine to use years from now. Line, whether mono or braid should both be stored out of sunlight, out of excessive heat, out of excessive moisture, in the box it was sold in (minor). I have been fishing with the same braid on both trolling and spinning reels, for years. I reverse the line every one to two years (instructions for doing this can be found on YouTube or other internet sites). Natural sunlight that shines on the line while it is being used fishing will bleach the line color, but this has never compromised the structure of the braid in my experience. I looked up the line that you mention in your post, and as I have never used this line it is still monofilement and should be cared for as aforementioned. Check your lines for abrasion each season, especially your trolling lines. Check your guides yearly on all of your trolling, dipsey, and jet rods.