Yes,we have an amazing fishery.With the higher water levels contributing to a string of great walleye hatches, have read that there are a record number of walleye in Erie this year.Those 2015 fish were 3-5lbs last fall and will be nice fish to put in the cooler.The huge 2018 fish hatch should be plentiful and around 17" in size.Seams the bait populations came back last year and the fish we caught finally looked thicker.Now,if the yellow perch can increase in numbers and become easier to catch for guys that target them.We are also coming up on the Covid shutdown that coincided with the beginning of fishing last spring.The charters should be able to start the season on time this year.With the vaccines ramping up production and being administered,should soon see a significant decrease of Covid spread too.Looks like the ice fishermen will be able to get in some hard water fishing soon with this extreme cold we now have Forcast for a while.Should have a great season for fishing this year on Erie.