I use the knock off Offshore releases. (Offshore has gotten stupid with their pricing.) I then take a quality split ring (i forget the size) thats about .5 inches in diameter. On that split ring goes your release, and two cheap snap swivels. When you set up, you place your desired size weight on one of the swivels, the other swivel is placed over your main line at the desired distance from the bait, and you clamp your release on the main line. With this set up you will never loose a snap weight unless you break the main line. The nice thing about this set up is when you reeling in a fish, you just reach up and pinch the release and let it slide down the line to the bait. Another bonus is whether you are reeling a fish, or pulling rods, or maybe changing baits, when that snap weight hits your crank it disrupts is motion and it comes to the surface. Your weights, swivels, split rings, releases can be bought separately and you can make 15 snap weights (or more) for less than one of the Offshore kits. Next time to the boat I will take a pic and post it.