We trolled for walleye today east of kellies.Went on John's boat today.He had been badgering me to try different lures and colors,even though we had been catching pretty well.I finally said ok,I'm gonna show him how much he thinks he knows.I told John he can run whatever he wants on the three rods on his side and I'm gonna run what I want on the other side.John loves the humble bee bandit and I knew he was going to run that.He also picked a popsicle bandit which I would have run also.Then on the dipsey had a shallow lipped perch color crank he found god knows where.
Well.his lures all worked well.I even eventually changed my side out to another humble bee and that perch color crank on my dipsey.Had to admit defeat and pay him his one dollar bet.
We got our 18/37 lbs in 5hrs.The bandits on boards did best around 130-150 with 2oz and that perch color crank on the dipsies caught like 5 fish,but mostly early then not much later.Put my Yozuri on eventually and it caught a few fish in color vEYErus.Slowed down near the end and had to work for our last few fish.