Well, I place my weights in front of my lures based upon each lures individual dive curve. My thinking is say a Bandit will dive 15 feet with 50 ft of line let out, but will only dive 18 feet with 95 feet out it, it is easy to see it becomes a degree of diminishing returns. (These were estimates from my head) A clip on weight will also follow the same dynamic. depending on the weight and its shape and attachment. The least amount of line out the less your line adds resistance which causes an arch. When using a weight in between, there will be two line archs. The natural tendancy for the lure to dive is more greatly diminshed as the clip weight gets closer to the lure.. It makes sense to me, and it works for me. These are only my assumptions and from reviewing dive curves offered by OffShore and others who have tested data. To be honest, I have not seen tested data with the weight close to the lure, but the guys are pretty darn smart engineers and surely have tested under this condition also. My .02