General rule of thumb is that "Bandit" refers to the Walleye Deep unless otherwise specified. There are quite a few stock colors that work well. My personal favorites are Clown, Blue Shiner and Fruit Dots. If you want to get a few customs my recommendation is IB Frozen. I never leave the dock without that color.

There are days where colors seem to matter a lot more and there are days where it doesn't matter what color as long as you are running the right leads. If it's sunny out, use the chrome/metallic colors. If it's overcast, start with darker colors. If you hear someone on the radio say they are catching on a color you don't have, look it up and see if you have any baits with similar colors. After last season I strongly believe that the color of the belly is the most important part of the bait. There were days when everyone was saying they were catching on Blue Chrome and all of our fish came on IB Frozen, both have orange bellies. Just an observation but one that I tested on multiple trips last year that seemed to lead to success more often than not.