Quote Originally Posted by Kim Gentz View Post
no problem I am tired of the BS going on and American needs to go back to work. I wholeheartedly believe that it is more fatal in the long run to the American people then the beer virus. Now all of a sudden we have all these heroes because they are just doing their job that they chose. This is their career they went into on their own no one drafted them into this career. They are just doing their job and getting paid for it. Come on American get a back bone lets all be heroes and go back to work!!!I can not believe how the media and politicians can control the majority of the American people. I had a VA appointment and had to do this by phone, I told the doctor what I thought was going on with the beer virus, he told me, "that no doubt this is real"! "Ask the people at the meat plant in Green Bay where 3 people died. I said that is really bad 3 people died, I then asked the Doc., did any one of them or all of them have one foot in the grave all ready. the Doc got real quiet and then tried to turn the conversation to something else and avoided my question to him. Now if you die you are going to die from the coronavirus no matter what. If you get hit by a truck and die it must have been a Corona beer truck linked to the coronavirus. The media would play this out to no end!!! I refuse to wear a face mask cover my face as they do in other 3rd world countries. Lets open up the lake Eire for out of staters so we can go fishing!!!!!
Went to Port Clinton today to check on the boat, and the lake was really angry, muddy and cold~!
I then thought of you Kim and your angry post~!
I Hope you are feeling better today.
~Water Dog