Quote Originally Posted by Kim Gentz View Post
First of all on this stamp is a new law as of 2019. We bought our licenses in June of 2019 and our license is good until June of 2020. We had no ideal about the fishing stamp because we did not need to get a new license. We looked through the fishing regulation book on how may fish we can catch the size limit and if there is any thing on slot limits. The DNR person who gave us the ticket showed us where the stamp info is in the Reg. This info was kind of in the middle of the book and very hard to find. (Like fine print in a contract.) even many of the bait shops have no ideal about this stamp and it also seem some of the DNR personal do not know about this stamp, now finding out they are checking license of out of staters and not looking for the stamp.
The real point here is they are not selling license to out of staters and selling them to residence of the state of Ohio. This is wrong and is unconstitutional by federal law and is a infringement of my civil rights. Hiding behind that you have to self quarantine for two weeks is just ********. Come on American wake up see what is going on here! The media has you so scared you are afraid of your own shadow. I was out of the country for 2 months just before this BS hit the fans in the U.S. I had to self quarantine for 2 weeks If I did not do this my roommate could not go to work because she worked in health care in Wisconsin. So now I have already self quarantine and now Ohio is saying I have to re self quarantine in their state. So does this mean every state I go through I have to self quarantine for 2 weeks? Why do we not treat this like the flu it really is if you are sick and running a fever stay home and get better. Where are the guild lines on how and where you have to self quarantine, are these federal guild lines is there a booklet or is this just a bunch of nut jobs making stuff up the way they feel they want it. I am an American and know the American way, and do no like the BS they are shoving down my throat.
You are trying to combine federal law with states rights. Trump has been very clear that it is up to individual states on how they handle this. However, you being one of those who say this is only a flu makes me glad you don’t live in our state.