You are missing the point. And if you think that turning away fisherman from less impacted areas in other states while not doing the same for hotspots within Ohio is a good idea "because the governor said so" then you are a sheep. It's a half-measure that does nothing to prevent the spread of the virus. It also does nothing to address ohio residents that feel they are entitled to do whatever they want to because they aren't traveling from another state.

The hysteria around this thing has gotten out of control and people continuing to misrepresent the order is the main reason for that. Everyone keeps saying "you have to quarantine for 14 days once you get here" which is completely wrong. It's people saying things like "they're turning people away at the Catawba ramp" when in reality that happens often because the parking lot is full and it has nothing to do with the virus.

The problem that I have is that the people who are applauding these measures are the same ones that are out fishing regularly. There are guys on Facebook talk about how stupid people are for traveling to Erie "for a fish", then the next day posting that they caught a 4 man limit with 3 of their buddies.