We were initially going to fish Friday,but wind looked iffy so moved it to Sunday.IWindsurf kept changing forcast right up to last moment.They had wind sunday morning at 8am at 15mph out SW then 11am at 12mph then 8mph at 2pm.I figured with that early SW wind direction we would have 1-3ftrs.We got out to the east side of kellies around 930 and had solid 2-4ftrs with an occasional 5ftr thrown in for fun.I was thinking the higher waves was due to us being downwind of Sandusky Bay.There were 4 people and I was going to fish 6 rods,but it was too rough for inline boards so just set out 4 dipseys.Had a rookie 16yr old and let him reel in the fish.Well,he lost the first three fish we caught.He was fine after I explained the proper speed and position of rod when bringing in fish.We fished from 930 till 3pm and only caught 10/23lbs of fish.The lake laid down around noon and we were able to get the inline boards in and troll properly.The dipsies caught most of fish on spoons and spoon harness.Three setting 60 and 75 and one setting 40 and 50 caught fish.Got one fish on board with harness and the other board caught 3 on a blue chrome bandit at 40ft/2oz sinker/80ft for a total of 120ft.