The kids wanted to go fishing on the big lake today, seeing they are 4 and 6 I knew it would not be a long trip. Got them up about 7 for a snack breakfast. Stopped by drawbridge for some ice on the way out the river. We just went over short of H can. My wife has a hard time driving straight when trolling for some reason.......and since I don't yet have auto polit we stopped short of the handful of casters set up there already to stay out of their way.

We ran spoons behind 40tt on the offshore boards, leads we 15-30 with 20-25 being the most active. They only lasted a little over an hr, kept enough to make a few sandwiches, had 6 or 8 under 13 inch, a 5 lb cat, and 10 or 12 sheep heads. Needless to say they were busy and having fun

The farther east we went the more junk fish we got. I think a little more towards the can would of had more fish to keep and less trash, but would had still to sort through and work.

They were happy, bugs were minimal so wife was happy, and I will be happy when I get to cook my sandwiches.