Sloch 24,With all the reports of plentifull and quick limits,you probably thought you would have gotten more than 5 for the two of you.Sometimes takes a couple trips to get dialed in,especially since have not fished in a couple years.We have trolled harnesses a lot in the last 15yrs I have trolled.The set up you used should catch fish,but sometimes its the little things that make the difference.About 4yrs ago I switched to the offshore #2 tadpoles instead of sinkers and really like them.I would recommend you buy 2 or 4 and try them out.You mentioned you might have been too deep.Putting the lures at the proper depth is probably the most important part in trolling.You have to have dive charts for all the lures,divers and weights you have.You can find that all online.That being said,I could still catch fish without those charts.What you do is spread out your depths/leads to cover the water column you are fishing.Then whatever lead catches,you match that with the other rods.For the past two seasons,i have found that spoons have been outfishing the harnesses.The charters are killing them with the Tru Trip 40 and spoons.The tru trip 40s pull too hard for your inline boards but the Tru trip 30s will work and I have already used them this season with spoons.But lately,we have been running our spoons behind #1 dipseys and have been doing very well.Once you get used to the dipseys,they are much quicker to use than boards.We often will run dipseys and boards together quite effectively too.Keep reading these posts and you will learn a lot,or go out with a charter like Porkchop or Juls that also use inline boards.That really helps the learning curve.