After a busy winter and being a month behind on everything else, finally was able to wet a line last Friday for the first time this year. Trolled 2.5 miles NE of Catawba. 3 Man limit in an hour and fifty minutes, largest was 27", 1 short, 13.5# of zippered filets, A neighbor from camp was in the same area and did about the same. Used #1 Dipseys with spoons, any spoon with Purple seemed more active. Dipsey settings/Feet back were 3.5-55' and 1.5-45', 0-35'. Speed 2.2 - 2.4 MPH. On the way in, the drawbridge in PC was malfunctioning, made the 11:30 bridge time, but it did not open till 11:52. I guess it did not open for 1.5 hours earlier. Hopefully it is back to normal now. Gas man at fuel dock had to wear boots as the gas dock at Drawbridge was partially submerged. Another neighbor casted West Of Rattlesnake later and had 4 person limit in 3 hours in the afternoon, so lots of hungry eyes out there everywhere.

Finally back on the lake!!