I couldn't believe the way this was reported by the media. A sheriff telling everyone how stupid we are, reports that the ice melted and the fisherman were floating away. Give me a break. I crossed the crack on Thurs and fished. I sat right beside a crack and fished all day Friday NE of Millers. The ice was at least 18" thick. There are always cracks in Lake Erie ice. When water freezes it expands. The media has been reporting for weeks that the lake is pretty much ice covered. This doesn't give the ice anywhere to go when it expands so it pushes up and a crack opens. If you use common sense and slow down this isn't a dangerous situation. I've never heard of a crack opening up and swallowing fisherman. It doesn't happen that fast. Most problems occur when we are on thin ice that we shouldn't be on or we try to cross a crack that we shouldn't. Just because you have thick ice in one spot doesn't mean it is that thick everywhere. Current plays a big role in thin spots. If you aren't an experienced Lake Erie ice fisherman get a guide or stay with the packs of people. Ask questions at the bait stores and remember strong winds, especially winds from the south can cause problems.

Has anyone heard anything else about the Coast Guard ice cutter that was seen in the area ? This makes perfect sense to me. You have a strong wind from the south, a crack running east to west and open water to the north from an ice cutter. If that open water isn't there I doubt this would have happened. Regardless things do happen. As a 20 year firefighter I have never complained about doing my job or put the people down that I have helped. Way to go Sheriff.

Does anyone know of an airboat that is cheap ? I'm not ready to give up on the fishing, but I really can't afford the charters. If anyone has an airboat and would like to make some extra cash let me know. I have all of my own equipment just need a ride out and back.