I'm sure that most have you have caught a sheepshead or two or a hundred. In most cases there is usually a sigh of disgust when they have stole your bait that was out for a tasty walleye. Most all of us throw them back and continue in search of the tasty walleye. How many of you have ever eaten one? Well, I came upon the attached study completed by Ohio state and decided to try some of these recipes, as well as serve them to some friends. The results are very positive. The fish is very good and some of the recipes are excellent horderves for many different meals and parties. Everyone i served liked the dishes and it is a very tasty fish. It is not fishy at all. As with most fish the smaller ones taste much better than the large ones. Read the attached article and consider giving it a try. perhaps help reduce the population a bit and get a few more meals out of your fishing time.


I have a few dates that have opened for April, if you are interested in taking a trip and fishing for a trophy or some excellent dinners give me a shout. 4/5, 4/13 & 14, 4/26 and some afternoon charters may 11 - 16 4 or 6 hours.
A study on sheepshead (fresh water drum) as table fare.-fish1-jpgA study on sheepshead (fresh water drum) as table fare.-fish4-jpg