Several people have given comments, all good. Since we don't know much about your trip other than what you want to fish for, I'll give you some general advice. There are numerous places to camp on the mainland, including East Harbor State Park and many private places. Also State Parks on the islands (South Bass and Middle Bass, and Kelleys) as well as a few private places. This time of year you need to call to check availability and what services they still offer. The advantage of staying on one of the islands is you are closer to the fishing, but the disadvantage is you are only closer to the fishing around that area. On the mainland you can trailer to various launch ramps depending on the wind and where the current action is at. Islands have limited options for supplies, food, etc. especially this time of year.

I'd check websites for info. Do a search for "Lake Erie Port Clinton campgrounds" and similar. You can also visit this site, which has a links page with all kinds of Lake related websites as well as a launch ramps page (with photos) - If you know what area of the lake you want to concentrate on you can then search around that area for camping and launch ramps. Good luck!