Quote Originally Posted by pimplepounder View Post
Hello all,

Most of you out there know all the rules like the back of your hand. I was visited by the ODNR when loading my boat yesterday eve at Catabwa. No big deal. At any rate, I found out my flares were expired. (Older than 4 years/3 boating seasons) Like I said, I am sure most of you out there know this, and consider this routine, but I bet there is a couple boaters out there who - pardon the pun- are in the same Boat as I.

So, now I am going to buy some new ones, if I can find some that are fresh "hopefully". I asked the officer if there is something else that is permitted. He mentioned an SOS light. Does anyone have any input on these? I know they would be for night time only so a flag would be required for day.

Fish -ON

Picked up a fresh 4 pack last month at Cabelas for around $30.