I fish small boards on my own personal boat and all summer with big boards on charters.....I don't personal feel little boards on Lake Erie are better at keeping an accurate depth. Maybe on glass smooth lake.....but with an average 2 ft wave, plus the boards speeding up and slowing down over the waves and being pulled from the spring in the rods, I just don't see that bait staying at one depth.

I love how on a big board set up, especially with bandit's or baits with a lot of action, even after being hooked to main tow line, that action can be seen on the rod tip. Allows real easy to tell if something is going on or not. You don't get that in little board.

When I take the information from how we fished on big boards I do tend to have to run a few feet shallower on my little boards to get the same results.

Each systems has it strengtha and weeknesses, and ever boat you fish on will fish slightly different.....it's just learn what they are and how to adjust. This has been a good thread with a lot of great information shared thanks to all who have chimed in