Quote Originally Posted by BtweenShots View Post
Capt. Eric, pulling big boards and the rise in the towline will change how my crank gets into the water column by a few feet. My inside rod when attached to the release and down the towline I usually stop it a 5 to 6 feet off the water and use that 5 to 6 add
to the line out, is this to much? Just calculate it just a couple of feet and forget about how far my release is off the water?

Your tow line is 5 or 6 feet above the water? Any way to bring that down? I don't compensate for that at all, because eventually my inside rods might become my outside rods, as they get moved down the towline....

I can adjust my towline height from about 3 ft to 13 ft above the water, just by pulling a leash line. Can easily lift baits higher in the water if i see marks getting higher.

One of these days, i'll get a video put together to demonstrate. Other than that, i posted before, and i'll say it again - open invitation to all - call me, if I'm here, walk down to my boat. I'll be more than happy to show you what i do and try to answer any questions!