Hard Work Pays Off
Bar. - 29.84" | Winds - NNE9mph^ | Waves - 2-3's | Water Temp - 39.0° | Water Clarity - Heavy Stain

With only two sponsors that booked the boat, I hoped for 8 easy fish, then enough for me to eat dinner! I took a few extra people so we could run 6 rods each side. We started just above Mouse Is. and to the west a bit, good marks but only 2 takers. Picked up and ran towards D Can. Stopped short at E Can because of the marks. Took 6 of the bigger fish out there.

Everything came on Bandits, 75-80-85' back. Orange/Chartreuse dominated. Pooh Bear Chartreuse, IB Nameless, Marvin were good.

Speed: 1.1 kts
Leads: 75' - 85'
Direction: I only caught trolling into the waves...never could figure it out the other direction.
FOW: 28'-32'

(Copied from my website, links and pictures there....)

ALSO - I kinda let the cat out of the bag the other day......not realizing that I had posted a picture of a 'test' bait of DJ's, created by Ivan Brown. It was good Saturday, and very good again yesterday! Since it hadn't been named yet, I called it IB Nameless - and it stuck. Word travels fast, I think he already has orders for about 60 or so.... I was surprised, because it's not a color pattern that I would have chosen, but I can tell you the WALLEYE are choosing it!

We've rescheduled Saturday's trip due to wind forecast.... I have Monday and Thursday available next week if anyone is looking for a private charter!

Good luck out there! Thanks again for your support!