Shakedown Run Today... Out of the Book!
Bar. - 30.19" F | Winds - NE@12mph | Waves - 2-3's | Water Temp - 37.6° | Water Clarity - Heavy Stain

Just testing gear today, so we didn't want to make a long run. We did run far enough north to get into some cleaner water. With the weather the last 5 or 6 days, we weren't expecting much. We piled enough heartbeats with a valid fishing license on the boat so we could run all the gear. Tested everything, all ok. Hooked up 4 times, landed 3. Enough for dinner!

Set one side Bandits, other side #40 Tru-Trips with P-10's. First 2 fish took P-10 set 40 and 50 back. Landed one and lost one on a Bandit. The Bandit in the photo, only 2 exist, this was a test run. All 5 other colors out never got touched. Think DJ needs to paint more of these! Bandit was 95 back.

Speed: 1.1 kts
Leads: 40' - 50' with #40 Tru-Trips
Direction: East/West, but we weren't serious about fishing today.
FOW: 30'-35'

See complete report, with pictures and map on my fishing reports page. Can't get the links to copy.....