Just like what ebijack said, shallow diving cranks/sticks will pull fine behind #40 Tru-Trips. It's all about how much pull the lure puts on the diver. I've even pulled Rattle Tots behind #40 TT's, but they will blow the diver out above about 1.8 kts.. you'll start to see the divers rolling over and coming to the surface, tangling together if not spaced out far enough, etc...
I have easily pulled (and caught well!) :
shallow bandits
all shallow husky jerks, 10's and 12's are my favorite
short-lipped bombers
suspending pro-rogues
Ripplin' Redfin's
and so many more I don't even remember what they are!

HJ12's behind #40 Tru-Trips were about all I pulled through most of October last fall. We pulled a lot of limits in 3 hours or less that way! Simple rule - if the bait doesn't have much resistance in the water, the #40 TT can handle it. I even ran some Flicker Minnow's behind them, and at slower speeds they were fine.

But the million dollar questions is: if you have Tru-Trips, why do you still have Jets? Jet's make good Christmas Tree ornaments....