We left Mazuricks Sunday morning and headed towards Cedar Point. The fish are still stacked in there as im sure they will be till the spring before the big push up the river. Problem was the water was so dirty. We gave it one long pass and pulled gear and head to the south of Kellys Isl., not many marks and no fish. Pulled gear again and headed towards the monument. Better marks but only managed to pull one eye that was missing an eye lol. That fish was caught on a pink panties bandit 20/30 2oz. Now the ice is here and seen a few shanties off put in bay on a facebook page today, crazy!
Christmas Eve report sorry so late-25552227_1926179634077764_8896283430999673013_n-jpgChristmas Eve report sorry so late-25591911_1926179477411113_5502718221837379809_n-jpgChristmas Eve report sorry so late-25659249_1926179560744438_7557668669761491992_n-jpgChristmas Eve report sorry so late-25659527_1926179674077760_6372971266200855500_n-jpgChristmas Eve report sorry so late-25660396_1926179700744424_4659207287012199055_n-jpg