usually you run both. well i do. so jets can't go out to the sides of the boat. unless you use big boards you need to use jets with dipsy's because the dipsy's will move out away from the boat allowing you to run more then one line. so if you set your dipsy to say a 1 it will go slightly out from the boat and if you run another on a 3 it will run even further out from the boat. both setting run at different depths though. you would have to look at the dive curve for both. also you can run them with or without the o ring. that's the black ring around the outside. jets just run straight back. i run 2 straight off the back and 2 dipsy's off the side. different sizes make for different depths. i use true trip 40 and 50's jets. make sure you get the true trip jets. i also run the medium and large size dipsy's. think they are 1's and megas. something like that.