Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17 Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17 Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17 Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17
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    Default Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17

    I picked my crew up at their hotel at 7am, and we headed to Mazurik's to launch. We were on the water by 7:20 and headed north from the break wall. Because of the later starts today, and yesterday, I didn't get my usual sunrise photos, but no worries...I'll be back to posting those again tomorrow. There's just something about starting the day with the sun greeting you on the horizon, when you're on the water. Kind of like cleansing the soul for a new beginning each day.

    Okay, enough poetic

    We started out on the NW side of Kelly's island, and had just set up when Capt Kevin texted me to tell me he's got this great bite going at one of my other spots, so I asked, "How many do you have?" He said, "Four". lol I laughed, and said, "Let me know how fast you hit 15". About 10 minutes later he texted to say he had 10 already, so my crew was excited about that and wanted to go try by Kevin.

    I had good marks where I set up, but they weren't interested in biting yet, so we moved to the west side of the Bass Islands next to Kevin. I didn't want to go back up to the line, because it was just getting too crowded up there...yuck.

    It was like it was the day I was there, and called Kevin was pretty much a spot on a spot bite. His boat was catching with a steady bite, but we weren't. So, when he and his customer were done with their 60, I moved into that spot and we started catching. Or, I should say, Sharon started catching! She was on fire! Then, Scott and Dave were catching, and all was well.

    We would catch 66 perch there, and then it slowed down. We had an hour left to fish, so I asked them if they wanted to move back to that first spot, where we had marked fish, but never had time to get them going. They were all on board, so we hustled back there, and set up. It wasn't long before we started catching and we would end up catching 14 nice perch in 45 minutes. That little tidbit of information came from Scott, who was paying attention to numbers and time....Thanks Scott!

    We didn't get our 120, but we did get 80 nice fat perch for them to add to their 60 from the day before. A nice haul to take back to Wisconsin for their family fish fries. Well done Meinerz family! It was a pleasure to fish with you the past two days!

    Tomorrow, I have a mix of clients...three people who don't know each other, but two have fished with me before. You are all familiar with "Grasshopper", Ben Rewa, and maybe even previous customer, Rusty Gass....But, Dave Brenek is a new customer, who was willing to share a trip with these two, who also preferred to share a trip in order to split the cost. Luckily, it all worked out.
    They are all meeting me at my house, so I figured I'll whip up some Chorizo and scrambled eggs with fried potato burritos for breakfast, before we hit the bait shop and launch.

    I'll be hitting the spot we were at last today, first tomorrow, but I won't be leaving it as quickly.

    Stay tuned....

    Capt Juls
    Attached Images Attached Images Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17-fishing-dave-sharon-scott-9_15_17img_0322-jpg Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17-fishing-dave-sharon-scott-9_15_17img_0323-jpg Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17-fishing-dave-sharon-scott-9_15_17img_0325-jpg Day 2 Fishing with Dave, Sharon, and Scott 9/15/17-fishing-dave-sharon-scott-9_15_17img_0329-jpg 
    Captain Julia "Juls" Davis
    [email protected]
    Specializing in 1-3 person walleye and perch charters

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