Urgent call to action for ohio sportsmen! Urgent call to action for ohio sportsmen! Urgent call to action for ohio sportsmen! Urgent call to action for ohio sportsmen!
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    Default Urgent call to action for ohio sportsmen!

    I am Eric Hirzel and I am a member of the Ohio Wildlife Council. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the council here’s a link.


    This letter will likely cost me a re-appointment. I put myself out there for appointment to the council to give back to the things that I have had an incredible passion for my entire life. But what is at stake is far more important than me or anyone else.

    The Ohio Division of Wildlife is under attack and the consequences could be catastrophic.

    Ohio Division of Wildlife is one of the rare state agencies that don’t receive general fund revenue to for operations, acquisitions, and programs. The federal Pittman/Robertson (hunting) and Dingell/Johnson (fishing) excise taxes collected on sales of equipment for each category match funding to state wildlife agencies and commissions 3 to 1 for land acquisitions, facility construction or upgrades and other programs on a reimbursement basis. Ohio has to fully fund the project or program then request those matching funds.

    41 sportsmen’s organizations…… led by the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance are pushing for Ohio’s legislature to include a provision for both resident and non-resident hunting and fishing license and permit fees in the latest biennial budget. They are passionate about protecting the future of their livelihood, their passions, and the quality of the currently healthy fish and game status in Ohio — and are concerned about the number of hunting and fishing violations that are taking place. A bill that included significant non-resident increases in deer and turkey permits only has passed the house and is currently in committee in the Senate.

    Ohio has been rated as a top 5 trophy whitetail destination and Lake Erie’s walleye fishery is in a class by itself. The average cost for a non-resident deer tag in other top states is $393. Ohio charges $125 for a hunting license and $24 for a hunter’s choice tag over the counter. Ohio’s neighbors on Lake Erie are all $75 to $85 for a non-resident fishing license while ours is $40 for an annual non-resident.

    This group is pushing for these increases to offset rising costs and inflation during the 14 years of static license and permit fee pricing. In addition, declining hunting license sales (a well-documented national trend) compounds the funding shortage for ODOW. Recent retirements have left several vacancies with nobody to fill them due because there is not enough funding for a wildlife officer cadet school. Lake Erie enforcement is currently down two investigators. 5 counties in the state (Paulding, Hancock, Crawford, Cuyahoga, and Tuscarawas) have no wildlife officer assigned, and all 5 districts are down 1 wildlife investigator each. And there are currently 12 commissioned officers and/or supervisors that are eligible to retire within a year.

    There are also unfilled fishery biologist positions in the Lake Erie Fisheries research unit due to lack of funding. Fish stocking programs have been greatly reduced and state facilities are aging.

    The need for license fee increases is obvious to everyone except the man in charge, ODNR Director James Zehringer.

    There is a dangerous game being played to push the agenda of Zehringer and his minions……to facilitate a merger of ODOW into other divisions in the department and raid the sportsmen’s dollars they contribute towards license and permit fees.

    They of course deny it……… just as they did the prior to the operations and financial merger of Divisions of Watercraft and Parks. Publicly they are saying they oppose increase fees because ODOW has not yet indicated what they need additional revenue for. This is deceitful and ludicrous considering they issued directive to all ODOW employees and administration to not talk about license and permit increases if they want to keep their jobs.

    So why is the ODNR director trying to sabotage this effort?

    The ODNR is the umbrella cabinet-level agency that oversees many divisions, including Parks and Recreation (now Parks and Watercraft), Coastal Management, Forestry, Oil and Gas, Real Estate, Water Resources, Engineering and others, notably the Division of Wildlife. The ODOW gets the majority of their budget from the license fees that sportsmen pay to hunt, trap and fish. The ODNR wants to access these pay to play fees from sportsmen to support other poorly-funded divisions. By opposing a license fee hike that would right the Division of Wildlife's financial ship, a weakened Division of Wildlife could more easily be forced by the ODNR to merge with another division to perform administrative jobs. It takes legislation for this to occur, but then it is a small step to combine Division of Wildlife officers with the Parks/Watercraft enforcement. Wildlife officers are trained through a unique Cadet Academy and receive supplemental annual training. They are not interchangeable.

    The ODNR has already diminished the effectiveness of the Division of Watercraft by combining it with the Division of Parks but they got the money. Boat registrations funded most of watercraft so now Parks can access those funds for paths and benches instead. I myself have noticed a conspicuous absence of watercraft presence in the busy Ottawa County ports and channels.

    At the Outdoor Writers of Ohio meeting last month, ODNR assistant director Gary Obermiller stated to the assembled writers that he never said that he wants to combine officers since it would be illegal. Yet, over a dozen Division of Parks and Watercraft employees have told me that he has stated these specific intentions in their presence.

    He also accused the group leaders of the 41 different sportsmen’s organizations who are on board supporting a license increase proposal of not representing the interests of their members. Yet, he had no data to support this theory, other than a straw poll he claims he did with 11 customers in a coffee shop. The conservation groups cite high levels of member support.

    Obermiller blames lower license sales after each price increase as a reason to not raise fees in spite of well-documented data that shows new recruitment has fallen as aging sportsmen are forced to drop from the hunting ranks. Reduced hunting access and competition for free time also play a large role in those declines. Meanwhile fishing license sales are far more steady.

    The Ohio senate is in the process of working to complete the budget bill prior to the June 30th deadline. Director Zehringer recently testified and shamefully used a smoke and mirror game to push his agenda by telling the committee the increase is not needed citing lack of information on from the gagged ODOW. He picked favorable time period snap shots of the DOW budget showing a the periods of large balance while conveniently omitting detail like: what portion is encumbered for current projects, projected year-end balance, opportunities for land acquisition (AEP has been trying to sell 60,000 of land to the DOW for a year for public hunting and fishing), and need for cadet training. (Zehringer carefully said there is an enforcement “presence” in all 88 counties meaning there is a supervisor.)

    The most important omission is the DOW has 2 small time periods where the bulk of its revenue is received which are hunting season and early spring when fishing licenses expire. That makes for a large balance on the books during those periods.

    These ODNR officials have been overheard saying they will succeed because Ohio sportsmen don't care enough to stand up and be heard.

    6 former Division of Wildlife Chief (Democratic or Republican-appointed) drafted and signed a letter in support of the need to raise fees. The member-elected leaders of over Ohio 41 conservation groups and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance initiated the proposal. In a rare move, the bipartisan Ohio Wildlife Council drafted, signed, and unanimously voted to send a letter supporting a license fee increase in the budget bill to ODNR Director Zehringer, Governor Kasich and the Ohio General Assembly.

    This is a call to action! It is urgent you take a few minutes and let them hear from you right now!

    To maintain Ohio’s highly regarded wildlife programs, funding must keep up with rising costs. Now is the time to speak up to protect our outdoor heritage!

    Your state senator, Kasich, and Director Zehringer need to hear from you today via emails and phone calls. They think Ohio's sportsmen don't care enough to be heard but his bill could be decided on in the next 2 days so do it now!

    Call and email your State Senator, the ODNR Director James Zehringer, and Governor Kasich right now and ask for two things:

    1. Support a fair increase non-resident fishing and hunting licenses and permits, and a modest increase in resident hunting and fishing licenses and permits to restore the quality of the Division of Wildlife.

    2. Reject attempts to weaken the ODOW in order to raid sportsmen’s funds to subsidize the other general funded ODNR divisions.

    Find your state senators at http://ohiosenate.gov/index;

    ODNR director James Zehringer http://director.ohiodnr.gov/

    Governor Kasich at http://www.governor.ohio.gov/.

  2. #2
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    Anytime a politician is against raising a fee when the people who pay are for it you know something isn't right.

  3. #3
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    very well written and right on point. We as sportsman need to continue to fund our passions on the state level. I hope everyone here takes the time to voice their opinion. Thanks again for your willingness to shed light on the current situation.

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    Default Fishing Passion

    Quote Originally Posted by troy1976 View Post
    very well written and right on point. We as sportsman need to continue to fund our passions on the state level. I hope everyone here takes the time to voice their opinion. Thanks again for your willingness to shed light on the current situation.
    Sorry I disagree. I am retired and pay only $10 which is too much. The reason is the attitude of the officers which I have found disturbing. I have never had a violation but have seen them operate in their hiding places with binoculars during the Maumee River walleye run and have listened to their obnoxious opinions. Are they snipers? Also I don't agree with the size limit on walleyes as we throw back and kill numerous 14 inch walleyes.
    I live near the far western basin. When the 14 inch walleyes get legal the following year they travel east very quickly where the fishermen catch the ones we didn't kill dragging the 14 incher behind planer boards not knowing they are there. So I don't like their policies. I obviously disagree with the size limit.

    State governments and departments never think they have enough money which is just human nature. If they don't like the job for what it pays then go to work like everyone else.

    No doubt you will have many others that agree with you, but I don't and will send my opinion to the area you suggested

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    I agree with Gringo Loco I live in SC and also retired and come up to fish with my son that lives in Ohio I pay the $40 to fish with him for 5 days. In SC you can get a 14 day nonresident license for $11.00 Annual nonresident for $35.00 it may not sound like a lot to some but if you are on a fix income it adds up. I think the prices are ok as is. look at the money thats comes from the out of state pay to fish on charters, food and lodging. If anyone should be angy it should be the ones who are making money off the out of staters.

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    Magee East thanks for your post. I will say this, everyone is tired of the prices going up ( on every thing ) just to fund wasteful spending. The reality is prices have to go up and we understand that, we just want our money spent more wisely. I do guided deer hunts in central OH for out of state clients. They all are extremely impressed with the hunting in OH and the low prices for tags. Honestly in most of their states I couldn't afford to hunt due to the prices for out of state hunters. I tell all of my hunters I think OH should charge them whatever it would cost me to hunt in their state. Obviously I'm joking, but I definitely think the state of OH is under charging for out of state hunters. The proof is that everyone wants to hunt here, its great hunting. The better something is the more it should be worth. I would hate to see the state raise prices to a point were the average person couldn't afford to come, but I think everyone would understand a price increase.

    I have more than my share of complaints about some of Ohio laws and regulations, but in the end the ODNR has managed our wildlife extremely well. Look at states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania that should have similar success, but don't because of poor management now or in the past. I for one am very pleased with the hunting and fishing in OH and don't mind paying a little more since I'm seeing great results. I don't think not agreeing with everything ODNR does is a valid reason to be against a price increase. I do however agree that our older residents shouldn't have to pick up the bill. I for one would be willing to pay a few more dollars on top of any increase with the understanding that it would be to offset costs for older hunters icenses.

  7. #7
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    While Ohio does have a less expensive licensing system in place, I do not think that we have to increase due to reasoning that it is not up to par with other states. Some of the other states offer much longer firearms seasons For example, and have much more public land opportunities. Perhaps Ohio's lower fees help prevent the increases in costs in other states. Another big problem is recruitment of new hunters. Hunting believe it or not, is slowly dying away due to requirements of hunter safety requirements and now perhaps cost of licensing. Kid and parents just don't want to take the time from an already busy life.
    Additionally, while Ohio may have lower license costs for non-residents, The costs for residents is perhaps a bit higher than neighboring states. We used to offer senior citizens free licenses. That is gone. Several neighboring states offer Lifetime licenses. I can not see Ohio doing this because they might lose some money. All and all I appreciate the efforts of the first line people in the ODNR. We need to be careful of what we ask for, we may just get it. We do not have to " Keep up with the Jones's" in Ohio.
    My $.02

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    Way too much info in the original post to go into any detail here. I was an employee of the ODW. I’ve seen it from the inside as well as from the outside. Three things here are fact.

    1. ODW’s budget funding sources have long been the envy of most other ODNR divisions, and people have tried though the years to get some of those funds somehow distributed to other divisions within ODNR.

    2. The main reason for the ODW’s decline in revenue or lack of sufficient revenue is low (declining) recruitment in the sports of hunting and fishing, primarily hunting.

    3. If we, all of us, don’t make our conservation priority recruitment of new people into the traditional outdoor sports of hunting and fishing, little to none of this is going to matter in 20-30 years.

    Unfortunately the decline in participants and the resulting decline in revenue means the financial burden is now spread out among fewer people. We have to accept that, just like any organization. If we want to pay less we have to recruit more. It’s really that simple. Meanwhile we’ll have to take a few more dollars out of our pockets to buy that next hunting license and fishing license in order to give us the chance to keep going and get those recruitment numbers trending up. If we give them an increase ODW needs to keep up their end and spend our money wisely and efficiently.

    Another part of this is finding new income streams. I’ve talked with ODW personnel as well as State, County, and local park systems about this, the opportunities that are out there. The current structure and politics make this hard to do. Most of the barriers in place by both of those need to come down so these organizations can vigorously pursue the opportunities. In the short run recruitment can’t make up all the difference.

    Oh, and the fishing today (Friday June 09) was NW and west of the NW corner of Kelleys Island. Decent to good catches.

    My 4 cents (increase in cost) :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by pimplepounder View Post
    While Ohio does have a less expensive licensing system in place, I do not think that we have to increase due to reasoning that it is not up to par with other states. Some of the other states offer much longer firearms seasons For example, and have much more public land opportunities. Perhaps Ohio's lower fees help prevent the increases in costs in other states. Another big problem is recruitment of new hunters. Hunting believe it or not, is slowly dying away due to requirements of hunter safety requirements and now perhaps cost of licensing. Kid and parents just don't want to take the time from an already busy life.
    Additionally, while Ohio may have lower license costs for non-residents, The costs for residents is perhaps a bit higher than neighboring states. We used to offer senior citizens free licenses. That is gone. Several neighboring states offer Lifetime licenses. I can not see Ohio doing this because they might lose some money. All and all I appreciate the efforts of the first line people in the ODNR. We need to be careful of what we ask for, we may just get it. We do not have to " Keep up with the Jones's" in Ohio.
    My $.02
    I think you hit on something there. If they are worried about dwindling license sales maybe they should make it easier or at least more convenient for youth to obtain a license. Like, maybe the kids could study at home or online and take a hunter safety course. I would almost guarantee that would help in recruiting our younger people. Not because they wouldn't take the time otherwise but getting a parent to take a youth to an all day class is a different story.

  10. #10
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    My first instinct was to agree, raise those non-resident fees, maybe cut down on the number of boats out here. But then I thought of the economics and financial impact on local economy. Many of the non-residents pay for charter services, hotel/rentals, go to restaurants, local bait and tackle etc. Perhaps you raise it, but waive the license when going on a charter. One thing that definitely could be done is increase the fines for these folks that catch more than their limit. Make them much more severe and give that money to the ODNR.
    JBD's Regina Marie (Johnny Big Dawg)
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    Raymarine w/ Navionics, Radar, Rear TV to duplicate display or watch the game
    Sirius radio usually jamming Margaritaville

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