I very rarely post, I'd like to thank all the pro captains for all there help, I've fished the lake a few times a year for 30 years or so and now have had my own boat for 3, if it weren't for the charter captains posting on here I still would have a hard time, with that being said Sunday I was on #s I've used for a few of those years now, ene of locust just after daybreak sea breeze boats came in and were going every direction there had to be 12 or 15 of them, I usually try to give charters the room they need because it is how they make a living, but on Sunday I was alone with my twin daughters and my wife at daydream and by 7 there was no (give a little take a little from any them) I do run fire line so the next time that happens I will clean everything they have out, hate to be that way and never have but this wasn't the first time with them, it so so bad my daughters were worried we're be hit. Sorry for the rant but wanted to let everyone know its not only a few being bullied