Bandits will catch fish for a while yet and as itsbob mentioned, use a duolock snap instead of a snap swivel in size #2. Also a big mistake a lot of people make is to not make sure your crankbaits are tuned to run true. Drop them back on 8-10' of line and watch them run behind your rod tip to see if they try to go right or left. If they do you'll need to gingerly bend the eye on the bait toward the direction it's trying to swim until it tracks strait back and down.

If you run jets with harnesses at the same time as Bandits be sure to use single or double willow blades. At effective crankbait speed colorado blades spin out and twist up your harnesses. Another option that is cheaper than jets or true trips is to use in-line weights to troll harnesses. 3/4, 1, 1.5, and 2 ounce weights will cover most of your harness depths.

Good luck!

Captain Eric