I took 2 of my grandsons and a buddy out yesterday. we were told they were getting fish near starve island. We started out and marked fish before we got to the ferry crossing. sow e tried...and tried..and tried. nothing. Went over by starve. Trolled and jigged/cast everything we had. Marked fish galore. Nothing. So we headed west. Fish when we spotted fish on the finder. Nothing. We went to Niagra reef. Fished our way to it.There was a boat....looked like coast guard dragging big orange balls...not sure what they were doing. But we fished all around the reef....not a bit. Marked a few fish there. Then headed towards West sister....maybe a mile south of it too. Its where we ice fish. The screen lit up....24 fow. I anchored.A friend of mine made some hair jigs that look awesome. We have good luck on them. we had white and green with the trailer on. I up a night crawler on my grandsons hookup. Then told my other grandson do the same. My buddy hooked up. I grabbed a pole..and i heard it..'GOT ONE"! My grandson hooked the first fish. I grabbed the net...and heard it...."GOT ONE. I netted the first and dumped it on the floor. Milk pouring out of it. He put in. I netted the next....Got one...Ray my buddy hooked up. This went on like this as fast as we could get down. well..as fast as they could. I never got line in. I was busy netting....unhooking...baiting. Loving every minute of it. All were males....3 to 5 pounds. We had a cooler full then my little buddy yelled. His pole was bent over..and line screaming out. after what seemed an eternity....i netted a female...had to be 12 pounds. My grandson about cried. I gave him a hug...and said good job buddy....you are the man. I told them that we only needed 2 more. My grandson looked at me and said..."grandpa..can we put her back"? I looked at him and smiled. I told him..its your fish....you do what you want. He said...well..when we deer hunt we leave some go...for next time. Maybe we should put her back to get her kids next time too. I looked at my buddy....he was all smiles too. She is your Matt....He picked her up..and gently laid her in the lake. Off she went. He grabbed his pole and rebaited. He caught the last fish too. What a day.....a proud grandpa...one of the best fishing experiences yet....and i never put a line in. This is what its all about.
