With no shore power it is good to get to know a few people in your marina. I get asked quite a bit if I could go to so and so's boat to turn on all batteries and run it for 15 minutes or more to give the batteries a little boost if the owner is not going to make it up for a few weeks. I got no problem with that as long as you bring me some nice delicious Keystone Light when you do make it back up.

I agree with everybody here about the auto bilges, I do differ though on the fact that I do prefer the manual float switches over the internal auto switches. In a lot of installations you have no choice and have to use those self contained auto switches. I find I need to replace those internal switch ones a whole lot more then a basic manual bilge with a separate manual switch. Yeah you got to get in there and clean the float off ever once in a while but I find when certain undesirables get up into those auto bilges they get really messed up.

The good news is just about every decent bilge has a good warranty on it, so basically when they do go bad it is normally no money out of pocket, just the time and labor to replace it. Depending on the location of said bilge though, time and labor could be a real issue.