The general rule is if the bait came from the waterway, here Lake Erie, then it is OK to release it. If not, then don't. The other factor is you don't know what's in the water, especially if you bought the bait outside the Lake Erie watershed.

Golden Shiners are native to Ohio and probably (I say probably because ODW doesn't specifically say they are) Lake Erie. ODW does say "Because they are a very popular baitfish many public reservoirs have small populations from fisherman releasing unused bait." They are in Lake Erie. So releasing then probably isn't going to harm anything, but I wouldn't, just because if they are from out-of-state you never really know what you are releasing. If you can't save them for next time give them to someone back at the dock or ramp, or take them back to the bait shop (don't know if they will take them, but why not ask? Waste not want not).