They can be tough
Quote Originally Posted by airshot View Post
You are absolutely correct there.....according to the law you are required to date and maintain the license for the year those fish are caught until that years catch is depleted from your possession. Now are they going to come in your house and enforce that? Probably not.. but that is the law. According to Ohio game wardens it is also unlawfull to cath fish beyond your limit and put them into someone elses cooler! Once you have caught your limit you can only catch and release by law. Sharing fish with others is "technically" illegal according to the law but enforcing it is another thing. Getting back to the posters original question... if your taking more than one days catch in to the cleaners simply use another name just in case. But....if they should decide to check you while traveling home from the cleaners and you have more than your licenses allow then you are over limit and it gets expensive. According to a dnr friend...take along two coolers and make them believe you are picking up a batch for your neighbor or brother or somebody and you shouldn't have any problem. Game wardens are not out for blood unless they know your hiding something serious....then lookout!