We were at turtle creek all weekend. We started trolling Bandits just north of Big Pickerel and headed to B can. 3 man limit all three days. Started before daylight at 30 to 45 back and then dropped them to 55-75 as the sun got higher in the sky.

Even caught my first Lake Erie MUSKEY... 29"

Took two guys out Sunday night that had only caught 2 fish (they fished for 3 days). We fished from 9:30 PM to 11:00 pm. Pulled 7. Started same place and headed North. First line hooked up before we got the second one set. 35 back. Trolled about 2 miles and picked up 2 more. Made a turn and headed back raised the lines up to 25-35 back as we were marking everything up high.. Picked up 4 more. Lost a board in the dark so we called it quits.. I just ordered some battery powered LED lights to put on the boards. LOL

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