To get down that deep, I'd use dipsy divers. They have a weight that rotates to make it plane out to the side of the boat and is adjustable to make it go out left or right. You can easily run two divers per side without boards. Attach a leader the length of your rod to the rear of the dipsy diver with your spoon or worm harness. Attach the other end to your line. On the right side of the boat, set the first dipsy to the #3 right position. Let that out about 140 feet to reach a 50 foot depth. Let it out slowly. Place it in the front rod holder. Take your next rod and set the diver to the #1 right position. The number 1 position will plane out to the side a little less than the one with the three setting. Let this one out about 105 feet to reach a 50 foot depth. Place this one in a rod holder behind the first one. Repeat on the other side of the boat. You can put a third line per side if you have three anglers. For those, use the zero setting and let those out about 90 feet. When you buy the dipsy divers, they come with instructions on dialing in the settings and they come with a chart that tells you how much line to let out to achieve a variety of depths on the various settings. In my opinion, dipsy divers are easier to manage than planer boards. If you get a fish on the outside dipsy, clear the inside one before landing the fish to avoid tangles. Also, instead of placing all the lines down 50, you can run your spoons or worm harnesses at a variety of depths and the fish can tell you what depth they're feeding at. This lets you cover a wider vertical area and increases your chances of hooking up.