Well you have to take the bad with the good. After a decent Friday night and Saturday we took one on the chin.
First mistake we made was running north up to the line to check it out, very few marks.
Ended up back north and west of Green and pulled one 24" walleye 65 back on a IB Frozen Bandit, had two other pull back that came unbuttoned.
Short on time about noon we took a line from Green to South Bass and had a great pull back and after a really good tug of war I landed the biggest drum that myself and everyone one else on the boat has ever seen, it was fun but not what we wanted to see.

Still it was a great weekend to be on the water with my son and some very good friends and for that I am grateful.

This will be my last report for awhile due to getting ready and making a trip to the Great White North to chase some walleye and monster pike.
