Howdy all, new to the forum here.

I am looking for some direction on getting started on Lake Erie (Central) this year. I grew up Walleye fishing on Pyma/ we used to bring home stringer-fulls trolling hot-n-tots! My dad and I recently got back into fishing, about 6 years ago, but the past few years we haven't been doing very well at the small lakes. Meanwhile you hear about everybody on Erie killing them! Well driving an hour each way to get skunked got old, so we just sold our small boat and got something lake-worthy. Problem is, this ain't 10-15 FOW anymore! Our tackle is mostly smaller hot-n-tots and other cranks of that nature. We never did much jigging. Back in his day my dad used to fish Erie and would always limit out...but he said the lake is so much more clear and the fish patterns are surely different so we are basically starting from scratch now.

Long story short: Where do we start? We will put in anywhere between Lagoons and Geneva and would probably like to mostly troll (however I am not against anything, so long as I can keep my freezer full I am happy). What times of year should I expect them to be how far out, how far east, and how deep? How will water temps affect them? What tackle should we be stocking up on (and will our Pyma cranks be of any use to us?)? Should we use the old mast and planer or inlines? When to maybe jig vs troll?

I know this is a lot, and much of it is opinion...but that's what I am after are peoples opinions. Anybody who fishes both, or like us decided to skip the ponds for the lake, any pointers from you?