hey chris
hey are you wanting the sock for drifting or trolling?? i,ve never used one for drifting. but i have tried them for trolling. and this is just another guys opinion. ive used kicker motors i,ve used socks and i,ve used plates. if youre wanting the sock for trolling. if you can spare the money at all i would reccomend the easytroller trolling plate. the 2 socks i bought are out in the pole barn. and have been there since i tried a trolling plate. i really liked the plate that cabelas has but it kept shearing the shear pin. so i tried the easytroller. it worked great, but i forgot to put it up once and bent the *%&$* out of it. i did get it fixed. but they have 1 now that the lower half is spring loaded, just in case. i dont know or have anything at all to do with any of these people. but the best place i know to check 1 out or to buy one is at.
they have a great picture. and the price is 99.99. i know thats alot of money. but its the cheapest ive found them. and in the long run worth every penny.