I'm coming over the "3 day" weekend of the 20th-22nd for the first time to try some Erie fishing.

While I have all my own equipment, including a sled, and am experienced ice fishing, I don't know anything about Erie.

I tried to hire a guide, but the ones I talked to are all booked up.

Any general feedback would be very much appreciated.

I'm not looking for your personal "secret spot" information, more like where to park and launch from, the bait shops with the best service and current information, general things to factor in (water depth, best lures, etc.) and where the safe ice is.

I'm coming out alone so the safe ice factor is big for me. I'm experienced on Great Lakes big ice as I fish Lake Superior frequently, but each body of water has it's own unique issues ande characteristics.

Any information along these lines would be great and very helpful.

You can post here or PM me if that works better for you.