The bottom bouncer bite is going good. Fish are up off the bottom a few cranks. Colors are same as jig time colors. The casting bite is improving more and should be good this weekend and from now thru all summer if we have lite moderate winds. The fish are stacked all over and it seems that when they bite, they bite all over the lake. Last Saturday was true of this as the morning was slow then about noon is on and fairly fast. The spot I fished Thurs and Fri morning was banging and nets were flying. Probably start there Friday. I will probably be trolling Fri and Sunday, but will cast Saturday. Boat 2 had a cancellation for this weekend so if you have a group that wants to troll, visit the website and call Jeff or myself. The only other date I have open for myself in Sunday June 2nd. Call me for that one for a drift trip. Drifting should rule the game right now if you have a good crew. Late May and early June is always great drift fishing time. Looking at 10 mph wind all weekend from the easterly direction. Slight chance of rain with this also and warmer air than we have had.