Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes it rains and then the sun shines again. So what does the walleye say. Nope, not that interested but maybe try a smaller bait.
Friday I said "No work" and went way north to fish Ontario waters of Erie.
Thinking we wont see hardly a sole. Not that day. Fishing the shallows we did catch some nice eyes, workn the shallow shelf breaks and taking a few and losing a few. Then it slowed down because somebody kept running and driving thru the shallows and the fish spooked. Made a big move which seemed like a good idea and we had it by ourself. Nope, a blank there so went back to spooked spot and got a few more. Then it rained Saturday and did a crap shoot Sat morning, rained, foggy, rained again. Just made for a tough day. Now on Sunday I guess the stars got realigned , made the right move and let the crew handle the deck and filled the cooler. I gave up on the crankbaits this week and back to spoons. Bammm. Dipseys on #3 setting at 38 finally took off. Spoons on dipseys. #1 setting has not produced much yet. Jets 40s, 60-80 ft.