This saturday opened back up for a charter. Customer had a family emergency out of state.
Fishing is good, dont have long boat ride right now. Boat #2 took 24 today by noon. If you can stand the heat, lets go.
Call my cell # only. No PM or emails this week. Other dates open , just call and ask what I have left for July. July weather is stable and the fishing is either trolling on calm days in the open flats and the reef fishing on the days the wind is blowing. Customer choice is drift or troll. Perch fishing has started for some that love perch jerkin. I will start perchin mid August or so.
I went perchin last weekend and did good as only keeping larger fish. Under 8" went back to grow up. Did a roof job on my house for the last week or so, now its time for walleye again. Charter on Friday and drifting on request !