I just want to post on here that I am no longer affiliated with Innovative Outdoors as I have stepped away from that business venture. My partner and I wanted to go in different directions with the business. The split was the best thing for both of us. I will not be with Innovative Outdoors at the WNY outdoor show. Kim and I have started a new venture called Ultimate Outdoors of WNY we will be a full fishing tackle retail outlet and will have some hunting products available. Nothing will change with anyone that has bought product from me in the past. I will still have some products on hand at my marina or can get it to you as soon as possible. All of my Prostaff commitments are still in effect and I will still be doing seminars and such. So to sum it all up if anyone needs anything this upcoming season you can still contact me at 716-796-5372. We may try to do a booth at the outdoor show but were running short on time. I will keep everyone posted.
Thanks, Jim and Kim Skoczylas