I was out this past weekend on the 4th out of sturgeon point. Launching around 4pm was one of the craziest things I've ever seen, there were 12 boats filling up the harbor, waiting to dock, it had just started to cloud up so maybe people were getting nervous out there, who knows, and they kept coming in. Had to wait to launch, just so the harbor could clear out somewhat.

Played around with my sonar, found out I can split screen both 83 kHz and 200 kHz so that was pretty interesting. Also found I don't have to putter along to see fish, or at least see something worth investigating, I can slow down and get a better look.

Boy did I see fish. Schools of baitfish, closer to the surface. Schools of larger fish in a variety of depths. And schools of baitfish with larger fish underneath them, probably feeding on them. I ran a few varieties of presentations, but like others mentioned the fish were very tight lipped. Had family with me, plus the kicker motor started acting up (first time ever), so wasn't able to fish for as long as I wanted. I think I could spend all day out there working out the puzzle. One thing I have to do is rig up some type of trolling board or rail to get several poles working these fish.