Quote Originally Posted by docwet View Post
The only reason all those charters are out there is that they are all getting a $600 payday...if the fish were in 30 ft of water, they would all be there in 30 ft., believe me! Its just no fun being broke down many miles from shore, waiting for a tow, night falling and the weather deteriorating...no fun at all.

Cheers, Docwet
I can attest to that, luckily I had a buddy out trolling in the near area of me when my boat broke down and I lost all power. Luckily he was in the area to tow but we both barely had cell service out there.

Alot of the time when places get all crowded is someone posts something and many read and pass the info along, whether its good info or bad info, can cause combat driving when there are a ton of boats and guys have boards out & some not paying attention to where they're driving cause of a fish or a tangle or anything.
With the temps going back in the 80's soon, hoping it will trigger some better size eyes. Ones we been catching have been in that 18-20 inch range with a mix of a 5-6 pounder here and there.