Launched out of Geneva State Park at 7am. Headed NW to 65FOW. Trolled NE to 75FOW then East( with the waves) with bid boards with Bandits, Husky Jerks and Flicker Minnows with 2oz & 3oz snap weights. Dipsies big and small spoons 1 setting 150 & 100 back. Marked fish scattered between 30-bottom. That’s why we did that. To find active fish. Caught 5 fairly quick deep. One Steelhead on green glow fire tiger husky jerk deep. 2 sheep on spoons. Caught nice 24 inchers deep early. Then caught balance of 11 suspended shallower in 35-40 feet. Packed it up about 1:30 as it started getting pretty rough out at 11 miles. Solid 3&4 footers. Eyes were 17-24. Steelhead was 24”. We had a good time but had to work for what we got. Neither deep or shallow was better than the other enough to get a pattern going. This was our first trip of the year. Usually we have 7-8 trips in by now. Just a handful of boats out all day.