Quote Originally Posted by Crooked Eye View Post
Give it another try. We use riggers alot for salmon and they have cable noise depending on speed,current,etc. They also give off a disturbance trail cutting thru the water. Depending on the fish species and attitude for the day you may have them hitting a 5' lead or 75'. If they are coming to the ball try getting close with the bait so they have something to eat. I have had great success with the chamberlian releases (stacker type) I can put them on the cable where I want them and they adjust both for down pressure and bait pressure so they trip on the light hits (can still use bands if you want). Keeps you from dragging fish. I like the riggers in deep water to give a different bait presentation and I can run deep without snagging bottom. This gives me a chance to run divers and boards until I get a pattern and depth.
I still believe big fish find the bottom an attractive place to hang out during the day. Good luck! I will be on the water Sun & Mon if you need help Pm me.

Capt. Craig
Thanks for the advice! I'll be out on Erie Sunday so I'll give it another shot.
Maybe get really close to the bottom with a crawler harness?