I hope you did better then we did, ROUGH DAY. We started troll just outside the nets in about 55 fow, east towards the point. Nothing. Finally moved to west side of the marina in front of Elk creek - about 77 fow. Trolled south into 48 fow, started see marks at about 52fow. Picked up one 16 incher (should have thrown him back but he was bleeding).

We pulled harnesses most of the day anywhere from 30 to 60 foot, no takers. Pulled a RR off the downrigger for a while and nothing.

Back at the dock the charters were coming back in and did pretty good. I seen a group holding two eyes- they said were 9.5 to 10 lbs.

I will be back out next weekend and plan to start outside of Elk at about 50 fow. Channel 68 if anyone wants to try and get something going??