As always Wakina makes great points. I started fishing harnesses in the West basin seriously a few years back, and decided to begin with #5 Colorados and only use bead chain 1&2oz in line weights. I used an easily repeatable program in order to "learn" for myself where my baits were running and how they performed. There is a Ton of info available on the web to get you in the right depth range for what you are pulling , but a good VHF radio can be just as valuable. What happened was my confidence in those blades went thru the roof and my willingness to expand the inventory grew. I use the Colorados when pulling .9-1.5 is mph. They tend to blow out (for me anyways) any faster than that. Then I'll switch to hatchet or tandem willows which can be pulled much faster. I rarely go faster than 1.8-2.0, but do pull willows on dipseys deeper later in the summer out east at those speeds. I use Tommy Harris blades (just a personal preference), 6-7' 20# floro leaders, enough 6mm beads to be sure the blade clears the 1st hook( and beads between blades when running tandem) and a quality quick change clevis. You will lose blades with the quick clevis if you swap a bunch, but it is much easier when searching for the right blade color, just be aware. Everyone has a "Goto recipe" but purples,greens and pinks work well for me trolling, and golds/orange reds work well for me casting. Tip of the iceberg here, and I would suggest sharing a seat with guys on here to get a better feel when the harness bite picks up.